


HKET Column

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers  (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers  (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers  (Chinese Only)

Children’s Book as Medium, HAC Set to Bridge Understanding between Generations by training retired storytelling volunteers (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Storytelling with interactive games to cultivate children’s sense of law and emotion (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

HKET: Respect Difference; Appreciate Yourself and Others (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student  (Chinese Only)

I would like to be Joan of Arc and protect the people I love!”, Wish from a P.5 Ethnic Minority Student (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)

To cultivate children’s reading habit, Parents should let go, Former anchor Bonnie said (Chinese Only)